Exploring the Universe: A Space Dome Adventure for Form 4


Hinsley Hall transformed into an interstellar wonderland with the addition of an inflatable dome, allowing Form 4  to embark on an exciting journey through the cosmos. As part of their current Science topic, the children explored distant planets, marvelled at sparkling stars, and learnt about the mysteries of outer space in this immersive experience.

children learning about space in inflatable space dome

They explored our solar system鈥檚 wonders, including Mercury鈥檚 fiery surface, Venus's acid rain and Saturn's icy rings, discovering the mysteries of space through this immersive experience.

The children identified stars, planets, and constellations visible at night and learnt about their movements. They also 'flew' to various planets, uncovering their unique traits relative to the sun.

I felt like I was really in space, I loved seeing the galaxies and rockets.

Their adventure included tales from Greek mythology that illustrated ancient interpretations of celestial bodies. Year 6 observed how the night sky varies with seasons and locations on Earth and saw the night sky above Cambridge.

Additionally, they learned about historical and future missions in space exploration along with finding out about the relevant technologies.

children learning about space in an inflatable space dome

The interactive talk ended with all the children lying down and star-gazing, after which they emerged from the dome dazzled and excited after their enriching experience. 

This immersive experience aims to ignite a lifelong passion for science and astronomy.

children learning about space in an inflatable space dome