The Staff


Mr N R Chippington MA Cantab; MEd Buckingham; FRCO               


Teaching Staff

Mrs L M Bedford BA (Hons) English & Drama WLIHE; PGCE Leeds
Mrs S L Bishop BA Classics London; PGCE Cantab
Miss C M Brohm BA Strasbourg, PGCE Newcastle
Miss K L Brown BA (Hons) Education & English; PGCE
Miss R L Brunning BA Ed (Hons) Exeter
Mrs A E Cash BA Oxon; PGCE Cantab
Mr R J Carter BA (Hons) Sports Studies Northumbria; PGCE Brunel
Mrs L D Chippington MA Hons, St Andrews
鈥婱rs J L Clarke      BEd (Hons) Oxford Brookes
鈥婱r T W Clarke Dip Perfs Art Webber Douglas ADA
Mr M T G Cobb BA (Hons) London, PGCE Swansea
Mrs K M Cornwell BA (Hons) Education & Music, PGCE, MA Cantab
Miss K L Dempster MA Education Hertforshire, BA (Hons) Salford, PGCE Bedford
Miss M Dobson M.Theol (Hons)
Mr W R Evans BA (Hons) Acting & Stage Combat
Mrs L Fallon BA (Hons) Primary Education
Miss S Feely BSc (Hons) Sports Performance & Coaching
Mrs J K Fletcher GMUS Huddersfield Polytechnic
Mrs K G Gill BSc Birmingham; PGCE Bedfordshire
Mr S P Glitherow RFU Coach, ARU Coach, BSc (Hons) Soc Sci
Mrs A M Grant BSC Earth Resources & Physical Geography
Mr A J Hallybone BSc (Hons) Sports Performance and Coaching Nottingham
Mr S A Harding BEd (Hons) de Montfort
Mrs C L Harding BEd (Hons) de Montfort, Dip Nursery Nursing NNEB
Ms D B A Harris      GRNCM, Dip Advanced Studies in Musical Performance, Cert Dalcroze Eurythmics
鈥婱r G P Hastings BSc (Hons) Keele
Mrs F M E Hawkins BA (Hons) Philosophy Cantab
Mrs S K Hill BEd (Hons)
鈥婱rs R K Hobson BA (Hons) PGCE Cantab
Miss K E Hovell BA (Hons) Loughborough; PGCE Oxford Brookes
Mrs D M Hubbard BSc (Hons) Lancaster ; PGCE OU ; Cert SpLD
鈥婦r T J Igglesden BSc (Hons) Zoology Bangor, MSc Ecology Bangor, GTP, EdD (Cantab)
Mrs K J Johnson BA (Hons) English
Mr S R Kirk MA Music Oxon, FRCO
Miss L A Kohler PGCE Cantab
Mrs L E Ludekens MA Oxon (Geography), PGCE, Dip.SPLD (Level 7), cert. TESOL
Mrs J E MacHardy BSc MSc RGU, PGCE (Maths) Cantab
Mrs N S MacPherson BEd (Hons) Education & Drama
Mrs J H McGurdy MA Cantab (Eng Literature), DipSpLD, PG Cert in Teaching Creative Writing Cambridge University ICE
Mrs C J Mills MA St Andrews, PGCE Cantab
Mr D Millward BA (Hons) Sports Development Exeter; PGCE Canterbury
Mrs J Milnes BEd History
Mr R Morgan BA (Hons) Classics Cantab, PGDip Classics Nottingham
Mrs C V Mulderij BA Hons Leeds, PGCE Kings College London
鈥婱rs P Mu帽oz de Castillo Teaching Cert  Cordoba Spain, MA Print Making  ARU
Miss A R Orange BA (Hons) English & Education
Miss A R Pipe MPhil MA (Cantab) Theology, PGCE
鈥婱rs N A Taylor BSc (Hons), PGCE Brunel
Mr S Taylor BEd Sheffield
Mrs A Thompson Higher Diploma in Education
Mr C D Thompson BSc (Hons) Biology and Environmental Sciences Staffs; PGCE Keele
鈥婱rs N van Ginkel BprimEd Pretoria (RSA), Adv Cert Ed UNISA (RSA)
鈥婱iss S H Williams BEd (Hons) Exeter
Ms J H Worthington                              BA (Hons) with QTS Leeds
Miss K Yip BA (Hons) English Language and Literature King's College London


Lay Chaplain

Dr S V S Maxwell       BEd (Hons) Cantab MA de Montfort, PhD Southampton

Teaching & Learning Support Assistants

Ms L Arena  
Miss S Bailey  
Mrs E Chesterfield  
Miss R Cope  
Miss C Cox  
Mrs N Curtis-Smith            BTEC Diploma
Miss R Darkins  
Mrs J Eliasova  
Mrs S Fuk  
Mrs K Gawthorpe  
Mrs C Gray BA (Hons) Exeter, PGCE Cantab
Mr J Hatley  
Mr R James  
Mrs D Jepps BA (Hons) Social Science and International Studies Manchester Met
Mrs E Kilsby  
Mrs E Kornicki  
Mrs M Krausova MA Teaching
Mrs E Peebles    Foundation Degree Early Years OU
Mr A Postgate  
Mrs J Roach MA Music Cantab 
Mrs L Sadler BA (Hons) Pyschology; PGCE Leicester
Mr J Sivell  


鈥婰ab Technician

Mrs J Day       BTEC Medical Laboratory Science


Visiting Music Teachers

Mrs R G Applin MMus Guildhall School of Music
Mrs K Barone-Samadi  
Ms S Beale  
Mr D J Bourne      GRSM ARCM RCM CertEd
Miss R L Broadbent B.Mus Music Performance
Mr F A Bushell  
Mr G Chapman      BA (Hons) Bristol
Mr D J Christophersen      BA ARCM Dip LTCL
Mrs C L Cobb      BA (Hons) Music  MA Cantab
Ms A Drysdale  
Mr J D Halton      MA (Cantab) PhD BSc LGSM ATCL DipABRSM
Ms D B A Harris      GRNCM, Dip Adv Studies in Musical Performance, Cert Dalcroze Eurythmics
Mrs T Hodges      BA (Hons) Music
Ms J H眉neke  
Mr E Ireland  
Mrs S Kirk BA Hons Durham, PGCE Durham
Mr O R Lepage-Dean      BA (Hons) Musical Theatre Trinity Laban Conservatoire
Mr J Lynch  
Mr C L Medlock  
Mrs S Minchin ABRSM
Mrs A Morrison BA (Hons) Primary Education
Miss R Mowatt      BA (Hons)  LLCM
Miss R Platts      BEd (Hons) Cantab 
Miss S J Reeve      BMus (Hons) Trinity; MA Sheffield
Mr A Reid  
Ms C Selby  
Mrs A Templer Graduate, Guildhall School of Music
Mr P N Warburton ABSM GBSM 
Mr C Ward  
Mr A Ware PGC Perf GSMD; MA Cantab
Ms N Williams-Wandoch  



Mr S Kirk MA Music Oxon, FRCO
Mr O R Lepage-Dean BA (Hons) Musical Theatre Trinity Laban Conservatoire
Mrs D Phillips  
Miss A R Pipe MPhil MA (Cantab) Theology, PGCE



Mr A F Loria (Director of Operations)     BA (Hons) MEng MA Cantab
Mrs P Dely (Marketing Officer) BEd (Hons) Cantab
Ms C A Jones (Senior House Secretary)  
Mrs E Luck (Admissions Assistant) BA (Hons) Psychology Royal Holloway UL
Mrs V J May (Music Administrator) ALCM, LLCM, GLCM, PGCE Roehampton  
Mrs M Mosher (Registrar) BA (Hons) Classics MA Cantab, GDL, LPC BPP Law
Miss V Pankotai (HR Officer) BA Adult Ed. & HR, Nyiregyhaza, MA HR Management, ARU
Ms R Tricker (Byron House Secretary) BEd (Hons) Early Years Education, Gloucesterhire


Mr J Clausen (Finance Director)   Bachelor of Commerce, Audit & Accountancy, Odense   
Mrs S Coleman (Finance Assistant)  



Mr O R Hoar (IT Systems Manager)  
Mr P Ryan (IT Systems Support) BSc (Hons), MSc Victoria; PGCE Cantab



Mr R Goldby (Catering Manager) 
Mr R M Fisher (Assistant Catering Manager)
Miss Z J Crow
Mr J E Dyer
Mrs S Isle
Miss S A Jones
Mr E Patman
Mrs N S Seneviratne
Mrs M T Smith
Mrs I Stec
Miss O Yeung

Facilities and Maintenance

Mr D S Claydon
Mr A K Crow
Mr R J Drewitt
Mr A McDermott
Mr J Moore
Mrs L S Watson